Cherime MacFarlane - The MacGrough Clan 01 Read online

Page 3

  Cadell trotted closer.

  "Lover's quarrel so soon?"

  Ailene swung around in the saddle to glower at her father.

  "This lad."

  She gestured at Gideon.

  "Is two years younger, ye ken? There will be no end to the comments."

  "Ah well, ye will no be the first Scotswoman to wed one younger than ye. Assuredly ye will no be the last to my mind. Keep a tight lip and none will be the wiser."

  Finding that her father sided with Gideon irritated her a great deal. She flicked the reins to trot her horse a length or two ahead of the men. The longer she thought about it the more the greater dimensions became clear. Her father now had a male ally. The dynamics in the family were undergoing a change. She would need to be careful that they did not form a union, which excluded her.

  'Och!' But this was a complication she had not foreseen. As they moved along through the countryside, Ailene debated with herself on the best means of handling the changes now being brought into her life. In the end she determined that as things went, she could only deal with her new circumstances on a day to day basis.

  They camped that night at the base of Loch Lomond at the edge of MacFarlane lands. The MacFarlane's and the MacGroughs were not at odds which was a very good thing considering the closeness of the MacGrough and MacFarlane lands.

  They made a very small fire back a bit from the shore of the loch. It was sufficient for a hot drink comprised of hot water and uisge beatha, whiskey. They did not keep the fire going but simply used it for a short time to warm and to cheer. They were further north now and the higher elevation was colder than the lowlands had been. They again set up the watch schedule. Although in friendly territory, it was best to be careful when carrying the large amount of treasure concealed in Gideon's baggage.

  On the morrow they would reach their home and all would rest easier. Camp was broken early. Before dusk they reached the border of the MacGrough lands. When the small fortified house, their keep, came in sight, Ailene whipped up her mount. She raced down into the glen, glad to be home.

  Gideon walked his mount along side Cadell.

  "Well, its no much lad, but it is ours."

  Cadell breathed a sigh of relief after saying a small prayer thanking God that they had brought the whole mission off with no complications.

  Gideon looked down on the burn, the fields, the small stone fortified house and the cottages dotted along a path which wandered through the glen.

  "Its enough. I had not thought to ever have a home."

  Cadell smiled at the lad.

  "It is that. And I have loved it from birth. Ye're new to it lad, but if we can keep Scotland for Scots and keep the bloody Sassenach from stealin all we have, it is a good place to live and raise bairns."

  Gideon turned to look at the older man.

  "Then we shall have to keep the 'Sassenach' away. I mean to have a home and little ones to pass the land down to. This is something I never thought to have so you may be certain I shall not give this up without blood being spilled."

  Cadell stuck his arm out to take Gideon's forearm in a tight grip.

  "Good lad. That is wa I hoped to hear from ye."

  Gideon turned his hand to grip Cadell's forearm. They sat there for a moment, the older MacGrough and the young man. Now, Gideon was beginning to feel he was a MacGrough.

  Chapter 3

  The well wishers and naysayers were all gone home. The drinking and feasting were over and done with. Neither the bride nor groom had partaken of a great deal of the liquor. The MacGrough had brought out a small keg of wine. That and the uisge beatha, the clan's whiskey brewed by the alewife had sent many home fairly early almost too drunk to walk home. The MacGrough had offered his large bedroom to the couple who declined. They had chosen to make their bedroom Ailene's old room.

  When they retired they found a fire in the fireplace. It was in need of more wood. Gideon saw to that duty from the wood stacked next to the stone fireplace. Ailene lit two candles using a small piece of kindling.

  Her nursemaid, Edeen, had tried to get her to dress in a gown 'fitting' for a bride. Ailene had declined. She explained to Edeen she planned to begin as she meant to go on. The dress was simple. The laces were easily managed from the front. Ailene stripped down to her chemise as she waited for Gideon to turn away from the fire. He straightened his face in shadow until he turned to stare at her.

  Ailene put her hand on her hips lifting her chin.

  "Tis time ye removed some of those things ye're wearing."

  His gaze traveled from the top of her head to Ailene's bare feet.

  "I suppose it is."

  Gideon took off the shirt he wore drapping it over the back of a chair. It seemed to Ailene that he was taking his own good time about it. She watched as he again turned to look at her.

  "Gideon, will ye no kiss me?"

  He ducked his head then took two careful steps toward her.

  "Ailene, I have no experience of this."

  Ailene shook her head.

  "Nay! Ye have never lay with a woman?"

  Gideon smiled a weak little smile and shrugged.

  "I can use any weapon you may name but I have never used that one on a woman."

  She hugged herself.

  "Gideon, I think we have a problem. I have never lay with a man either."

  He shrugged again.

  "What would you suggest we do?"

  "Well, Edeen was careful to gie some advice on the matter. It may be I hae more information than ye. Take ye clothing off, I well do as well, then let us get into bed."

  Ailene took off her chemise, climbed into the bed then and sat in the middle. Gideon followed suit. He sat next to her.

  "The priest blessed our union when he married us. Should we not ask God to bless us now?"

  Gideon sat with his hands clasped together.

  Ailene's eyes searched his face.

  "Aye, do so Gideon."

  He took a deep breath then closed his eyes.

  "Lord, please bless this marriage and keep us safe. Amen."

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  "Twas a simple prayer."

  Gideon face was serious.


  Hesitantly, he reached out toward her. He drew a lock of Ailene's unbound hair from behind her head. Gideon wrapped it around his finger then rubbed it with his thumb. He lifted it to his face and sniffed.

  "Your hair smells good."

  Ailene smiled.

  "Let us make ah game of this."

  "A game?"

  Gideon questioned.

  "Aye. Do something. I will tell ye if it feels good or no. If it feels good then I gie to try something with ye. But first, Gideon, I shall have a kiss from ye."

  Gideon gently touched her cheek. He became bolder reaching out he took the back of her head in his hand. Pulling her head toward him, Gideon brushed her lips with his.

  Ailene took hold of his shoulders. Holding him tightly she pressed her lips firmly against his.

  Gideon decided he wanted to explore the lovely body next to him. He pulled her against him. The feel of her soft skin against his was enticing. He loved the feel of her skin.

  With their lips still together, Gideon ran his hands down her back to the hollow of her spine. Ailene moved her head back breaking the kiss.

  "I would touch you now."

  She pushed slightly away from him then ran her hands down his firmly muscled chest. She smiled as she felt the tiniest of shivers travel through those muscles as she touched the nipples which hardened under her fingers.

  "Aye. I like the feel of ye."

  It was a whisper, which effected him as nothing had ever done before. She stroked down to his waist watching his eyes widen at her touch.

  Gideon took a deep breath.

  "My turn. Lie down Ailene."


  She did as he bid. Her eyes did not leave Gideon's face. She watched him as he leaned forward. His finge
rs went to the hair at her temples. With a touch like a butter fly landing on a flower, Gideon traced down past her ears and neck.

  The calluses on his fingers tickled as they stroked down over her shoulder blades then found her breasts. She gasped as he flicked both of her nipples. The gentle touch continued down her body. He stopped on her hips. Moving back upward Gideon took one breast in either hand. Gently he squeezed each breast causing her breath to catch in her throat.

  "Oh, God's teeth! Gideon, do that again."

  Ailene watched his face as he again squeezed her. He lowered his head to lick each nipple. The look on his face was impossible to describe. She felt a heat begin to build in her body.

  "My turn Gideon. Lie down."

  He did as she bid. As she straddled him Ailene noticed that his member which had been flaccid was slightly pulsing. Ailene smiled.

  "I ken how this happens."

  She whispered as she ran her fingers deep into his black hair. She kissed his neck and then bent her head to lick at the hard nubbins of his nipples. Gideon moaned slightly as his weapon became firm. She felt it move against her flesh.

  She leaned back.

  "Gideon, do ye ken the 'maidenhead'?"

  His black eyes searched her face.

  "No. I have no knowledge of that."

  Ailene nodded.

  "I thought not. It is the flesh that guards the womb. It is the thing I give to you as my husband. It can be taken only one time. Once it is breached I will no longer be a maiden."

  Gideon reached up to take her breasts in his hands.

  "I have no idea of how to do this Ailene. I have no wish to hurt you. How shall we proceed so you are not injured?"

  "I ken this way to be best. I will stay astride ye and impale myself on ye as I know the location of the gate."

  "Do not take too long Ailene. I do have some experience of handling myself. I have done so a time or two. I know I am close to loosing seed. Then all goes flat again."

  Ailene smiled as she lifted herself higher. She took hold of him then positioned herself over the weapon she held. Ailene pushed herself down on him. She halted when the pain hit. He started to move.

  "Nay! Be still! Hold a moment."

  The pain eased. Ailene took a deep breath then pushed herself fully down on him.

  Slowly Gideon moved inside her. He took hold of both her hands, he laced her fingers with his.

  "I cannot wait any longer Ailene."

  He moved faster and faster. Ailene felt as if she were opening inside. She began to make small noises. Ailene was holding onto his hands so hard it almost hurt.

  Gideon pushed hard into her for a moment they seemed locked together. He dropped her hands to grab her hips. Gideon held her to his body as a shudder went through him. Ailene heard his low moan. Then it was over. She lifted her leg over him then shakily fell to the bed beside him.

  Gideon turned his head to look at her. Taking her hand, he kissed each finger.

  "I hope it does not hurt you each time."

  "Nay Gideon."

  She smiled at him.

  "Edeen said the first is the worst. Now it will be more enjoyable."

  Gideon kissed her palm.

  "I shall look forward to that. Come draw up the covers, let us try to sleep."

  They wrapped themselves in the covers then pulled the furs over themselves. The candles went out. They napped like two tired children.

  Early in the morning Gideon rose from the bed. Stirring up the coals in the fireplace, he threw more wood on the fire. Before slipping back into bed he felt the stirring in his body. Gideon slipped back into bed.

  Ailene was curled up. Her dark red hair covered her bare body. He moved several curls, uncovered her hip then began to stoke the soft skin. A bit of goose flesh told him she was getting cold. Gideon pulled the covers up over them both. By feel he found the soft flesh between her legs. He explored her with two fingers. He felt a small nub, which he began to stroke.

  With a small sound she opened to him like a flower. Gideon smiled at his discovery. Her body responded to his touch. He felt himself grow harder still. Ailene uncurled. With his other hand, Gideon found her face, he brought her lips to his. Gideon continued to tease and play with the interesting bit of her body he had found. The fingers of her free hand dug into his shoulder then she was pushing herself against his fingers.

  "Oh! Oh! Gideon!"

  She kissed him. Gideon sucked on her lower lip. He turned her onto her back. Ailene's legs opened to him. With very little difficulty Gideon found the proper gate. He pushed into the moist softness.

  Ailene heard something come out of his throat, which was almost a growl. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Ailene was rewarded with a kiss, which almost took her breath away. When it was over and they lay together panting from the exertion, Ailene laughed softly.

  "Gideon, I think ye have mastered this."

  He turned her so her back was against him then tucked her close to his body.

  "I wonder. I think I would like to explore this matter a bit more. I find your body a most enticing thing to explore."

  They relaxed against each other then drifted back to sleep. It was Gideon who woke again. He was hungry. Gently, he extracted his arm from beneath her head. He dropped a light kiss on her head before leaving the bed. Gideon put a couple of more logs on the fire then dressed.

  He slipped down stairs to the kitchen on the lower floor. Locating the remains of a fowl and some bread, Gideon ripped a wing off the carcass of the bird. He cut a hunk of bread from the portion of loaf he found on a shelf. With a tankard of water dipped from the water barrel, Gideon walked outside to sit on the step to watch the sun rise.

  There were small clouds of fog here and there spread out in the valley, 'no, glen' he corrected himself. Last night had been more than he could ever have imagined. Never had he even guessed at the pleasure he had missed. Gideon wondered if other women were as responsive as Ailene.

  Not that he intended to attempt to find out. She was enough for him at the moment. Perhaps, she was enough for the rest of his life.

  Gideon ate the bird and the bread while watching the world come awake again. He drank the water as he thought to himself that something else should be happening. A sunrise was not sufficient. His world had exploded last night the sunrise was just too gentle.

  There was a noise behind him. Looking back up over his shoulder, he watched The MacGrough exit the door to the kitchen. He had a piece of the left over bird and bread as well. The older man lowered himself to the steps next to Gideon.

  "I see ye're an early riser as well."

  Cadell settled himself on the step.

  "I was hungry."

  Gideon popped the last piece of bread into his mouth then began to chew.

  "Ye were busy last night were ye?"

  Cadell took a bite of his bread.

  "It took a bit of time for us to find the proper way to proceed."

  The fog was slowly fading from the land laid out below him. Cadell lay a hand on Gideon's shoulder.

  "Lad? Was that ye first time as well?"

  Gideon heard the amazement in Cadell's voice.


  He responded to Cadell.

  "But it will not be my last!"

  "Oh, I am sorry lad. Had I known I would ha given ye some pointers. I had no idea ye ken? All went well wa ye both?"

  Cadell found himself almost unable to believe that a lad as handsome and well built, as Gideon had remained a virgin. As he thought a bit more about the situation, it occurred to him that he had not considered that the Templars were an order espousing chastity.

  "Quite well sir. You have no need to worry on that front. Ailene and I worked it out between us."

  Gideon laughed softly.

  "Lad, ye are my son in law now. I will always be here for ye. Ye may come to me with anything ye need to know."

  "Thank you sir. I do appreciate it."

  Gideon looked up at the wall behind h

  "I wonder if Ailene is awake?"

  Cadell's hand patted Gideon's shoulder.

  "Let Edeen wake her lad. I want to take ye on a tour of the glen. Ye need to learn of the crops and the beasties. She will no be gone when we return. Come."

  Cadell smiled behind the lad's back. He thought perhaps he had created a monster. Would his new son be able to concentrate on what he needed to learn here? Cadell did not notice Ailene watching as they walked down into the glen. She was not happy to see her father taking her husband away even for a short time.

  Chapter 4

  They could not keep their hands off each other. They were like two puppies tumbling about everywhere and none too careful about where they stopped to mate. Cadell finally told them of a cottage up the glen which was unoccupied. He sent them off to it with enough food to last for a few days. He gave them instructions that once they returned they were to keep their explorations to themselves and be a bit more circumspect. They must be a bit more seemly.

  Gideon and Ailene did not get all the way to the cottage when they stopped to see if Gideon could hold her up while they made love. He backed up to a tree then leaned againt it as he supported her bottom in both hands. Ailene clamped her legs around his waist. They had a bit of difficulty with keeping her skirt out of the way. Ailene threatened to just rip it off. Gideon laughed at her impatience. He told her he did not wish for everyone to see what was for him only. Ailene finally managed to arrange things to her satisfaction. When done, Gideon let himself lean against the tree for a moment.

  Ailene slipped down to the grass near the side of the trail to the cottage. She reached up for his hand clasping his fingers tightly in hers. Gideon slid down the tree to sit beside her. He lifted her then tugged her over to sit in his lap. They sat silently enjoying just being there together.

  "Do ye think ye will get tired of me?"

  Ailene asked as she ran a hand through his sweat damp hair.


  Gideon chuckled at himself. He was picking up the words easier now. Being with Ailene made everything easier.

  "I will never tire of you. You are God's gift to me."

  He removed her hand from his hair then began to kiss each finger.

  Ailene leaned against him, her cheek rested against his.