Cherime MacFarlane - The MacGrough Clan 01 Read online

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  "I am glad ye and I are near the same height."

  She placed two small kisses at the corner of his mouth. He rewarded her with a kiss.

  "It makes kissing ye easier."

  "Aye, and other things as well."

  Gideon caressed the softness of her cheek.

  "Ye caught me when I stumbled, that first day when I saw ye newly come from the ship. I wanted ye then."

  Ailene admitted to Gideon.

  "Never had I felt anything like it when ye caught me then set me to rights."

  Gideon frowned as he thought back to that day.

  "I don't recall."

  "Dinna fash yer self. But I will tell ye I went back to the abbey an told me fayther I would have only ye."

  She felt the strength of his body beneath hers and sighed with pleasure. He was all she had hoped he would be and more. The things he made her feel were so beyond anything she had ever imagined. She never wanted to lose him. Ailene knew it could not last.

  All too soon he would be called to serve Scotland. If the Sassenach king would only stop attempting to rape Scotland then people like her and Gideon could live in peace. Ailene feared her young lad would not return to her. She could not tell either him or her father that she wanted to do every thing they could do before he was called away. Fear drove her to extremes. Ailene knew she was at the point of embarrassing her father but did not care.

  When the food ran out they must go back to the keep. He would need to return to training again. She would keep her hands to herself during the day. Gideon would need to concentrate on training for war so that he was at his peak. His every sense and talent with weapons must be honed to the finest possible edge. She wanted him to survive. Ailene knew she would be engaged in overseeing the day to chores necessary to keep the clan functional while both her father and Gideon were away at war.

  In the meantime they would have the nights together. Who knew, they might make a bairn before he left. That would be to her liking. She would have a piece of Gideon to hold, to love no matter what happened.

  Gideon knew as well as Ailene that this time was limited. Shortly he would need to turn his attention to war. He was quite aware that Scotland was fighting for its life. He had been party to the talks which had allowed them to find sanctuary in Scotland.

  Were they to lose to the English king, it was likely he would be found and burned at the stake or hung. Gideon knew with his coloring it would be quite easy to tell that he was foreign to Scotland. As Longshanks had issued a decree that Jews were not allowed on English soil, his life was at stake. He was as eager as Ailene to take what pleasure they could now. Once these last few days were over they would return to the keep and reality.

  When they reached the cottage, they ate, teased one another then made love again. In the evening they sat before the fire, Ailene in Gideon's lap. The crackle of the fire lulled them to a sense of peace. The young couple was content to be warm and together.

  Nothing in his previous existence had prepared him for the growing relationship between himself and his amazing woman. Ailene loved and gave freely, holding nothing back. Gideon wondered if any other woman would have confided in the man she had married how she had wanted him then gone to the trouble of obtaining him. It did not damage his pride nor did it upset him that Ailene had been determined to acquire him. Gideon felt wanted. It warmed his heart that she had gone to the trouble she had.


  Her fingertips gently caressed his face, trailed down his neck.

  "Aye Ailene."

  Wherever her fingers wished to wander he would allow gladly.

  "Ye think we may have two days worth of food?"

  "I think we can stretch it to perhaps three days."

  Gideon turned her face toward him to stare into her eyes.

  "If we make love more than we eat."

  Ailene felt her heart turn in her chest.

  "Ye are a beautiful man Gideon. Ye're heart is as beautiful as your face."

  His smile was warmer than the fire. Ailene smiled back at him. As she watched some thought took away his smile.

  "Tell me Ailene, will you still care for me if I come back to you damaged?"

  "Ye can never be damaged enough that I would no want ye. No forget it Gideon. Ye are to come back to me no matter what. Ye were the first lad I ever wanted, I want no other."

  That satisfied him. Ailene always spoke her mind. He was now free to do what ever was required of him by his new sovereign, The Bruce. She kissed him with a passion he knew would only be satisfied in their bed. Gideon put her off his lap, stood, lifted his wife into his arms then took her to bed.

  In the morning Ailene woke him.

  "Up with ye husband. I want ye to see my special place."

  She was already in her chemise. There were still droplets of water clinging to the hair around her face. Gideon rose from the bed naked. He reached for her with both hands. Ailene looked down as she dodged away from him.

  "Nay. In a little while."

  Gideon sighed.

  "I knew it could not last."

  He reached for his clothing but had a bit of difficulty getting his trews on. Ailene giggled as she watched him tug at his pants.

  "Are ye trews tight lad?"

  He smiled at her.

  "Aye, and its your fault for not relieving my problem this morning."

  What he did notice when she slipped on the dress which laced in the front was that she wore no under things other than the chemise. Wherever they were going early this morn, they might be able to make it interesting a bit later. He bathed his face then dried with the cloth she had used. They ate the last of the bread. They still had some smoked meat for the evening.

  Ailene threw him a plaid before gathering up her own. They both ran outside in the cool morning air to empty their bladders. Ailene took his hand then led him further up the gen. She followed a smaller burn, which branched off, from the main stream. The smaller watercourse led them higher into the head of the glen. They reached a ridge where the burn had carved a notch in the rock. Ailene turned to him then put a finger to her lips cautioning him to be quiet. She pointed to a place where they could climb over the ridge.

  Gideon was amazed to see a small bowl open out before them. Trees lined the fringes of a small beaver pond. There was a drift of fog surrounding the pond. Fingers of it teased the trees. She drew him quietly into the shelter of the trees. The sun had not yet found this small pond. Ailene took them to a downed tree, which provided a bench for them. One plaid was spread on the log she wrapped around them. Side by side they sat on the log.

  Ailene reached for Gideon's hand as she leaned against him. Gideon wrapped his free arm around her. The fog thinned slightly. He caught sight of the animals drinking from the pond. Roe deer clustered around the water hole. A stag stood to one side as his herd drank. Gideon hugged Ailene. She squeezed his hand in acknowledgment. They sat and watched until the sun rose above the peak, which had blocked its rays. Once the sun reached the pond and its tiny meadow, the deer bounded away.

  Their heads together the young couple still sat on the log for a while drinking in the sounds of birds in the small bowl.

  "Tis my verra special place Gideon. I come to this corrie when I need peace. I wished to share this with ye."

  "I thank you Ailene for bringing me here, for sharing this with me. This is a special place, I agree."

  "Gideon, I would teach ye a new word, one only for us. 'gradh'. It means 'lover'. You are my lover my husband."


  His voice was the softest of whispers in her hair.

  "I have no words for the feelings you evoke in me. Lover is one word, wife another, my woman. This gift of knowing you is more than I ever expected to find in this new place, Scotland. I want you so much I cannot believe the dept of it. The other gift you have given me is a greater understanding of what my father and mother shared. I thank God for you daily."

  Ailene rose to retrieve her plaid from the l
og. She draped it around her. Gideon followed her as they retraced their way back down over the edge of the ridge. When they reached the cottage they sat in the sun holding hands.

  "Tell me of ye parents, please."

  Gideon was silent for a time. Ailene waited quietly.

  "They loved each other. I realize now the depth of it. They should never have found each other but somehow they did. I believe my father met her when doing business with her father. It was difficult for them, being together. The difficulty came from other people. They agreed to raise me in both faiths. I know the Torah and the New Testament."

  His fingers tightened on hers.

  "I was taught Latin, Hebrew, English, and French. I learned French at my father's knee, Hebrew from my mother, Deborah. He was from the south of France. I know that much. He took my grandfather's name. I know not why. There were mysteries that I was not privy to, I was too young. My parents were murdered. I have no idea who killed them or why. If Sir David had not taken me in I would have likely either been made a slave, been consigned to an orphanage or died."

  "Ye know not ye fayther's name?"

  Ailene clung to his hand.

  "Nay." He lifted her hand to kiss it.

  "I know my surname now. MacGrough. It seems it is a tradition for the men of my family to take their wife's name."

  Gideon smiled at her as he shrugged. Ailene knew that he was trying to lighten the moment. He did not wish to dwell in the hurts of the past. Ailene was agreeable to moving on. Sun warmed, the day was clear. Ailene had no plans to waste their last few hours alone. They would be forced to go back to the keep before evening. She rose then laid her plaid on the rough grass. Ailene undid the laces of her dress. Slowly, she pushed it down over her shoulders.

  Gideon was watching her. Ailene saw the hunger enter his dark eyes as she lifted her breasts clear of the fabric.

  "Come, gradh, help me out of this."

  He wasted no time rising to come toward her. Ailene sucked her breath in sharply as Gideon bent his dark head to kiss first one than the other of her bare breasts. In a very short time they were naked in the sun on the plaids. They again played their game.

  Cadell was not worried when they had been gone two days. He would not have been surprised if they were gone a sinnight. After all, there were rabbits in the glen and wild fowl. What did surprise him was a visitor who arrived two days after the youngsters had left the hall.

  The Gregor along with ten of his men rode up to the hall late in the afternoon. MacGrough welcomed his neighbor in. The Gregor and his men were fed. The men were bedded down in the stable then the two chiefs of their clans sat down to discuss political matters. Or so MacGrough had thought. He was taken aback when The Gregor opened the discussion with a query regarding Ailene.

  "I no see the lass, MacGrough. I was given to understand ye had finally convinced her to take a man. Now how did ye manage it?

  MacGrough took a drink of ale in an effort to gather his thoughts.

  "I no ken how information travels so quickly."

  Cadell shook his head ruefully.

  The Gregor eyed the MacGrough.

  "That no answers the question MacGrough. I ken the lass is no here or she would be down here with ye."

  "Aye. She would. I no found her a man, she found the lad herself."

  MacGrough wondered how much The Gregor really knew about the meeting and the new Scotsmen. The King had stressed all at the gathering must maintain secrecy.

  "Aye? Well that enforces some other interesting rumors that ha been flying about."

  The Gregor took a drink from the tankard and set it down. He tapped his fingers on the table.

  "I no ken the reliability of the one putting such stories forth, but they are interesting, ye ken?"

  MacGrough decided he needed to say something and it needed to skirt the truth without outright lying to the other man.

  "I dinna know what ye have heard. There are many wild stories flying about. The lad came off a ship. Ailene saw him. That was all it took. Next I ken, I ha a son in law."

  "As tha lass ha turned down every unattached lad that ha asked her, I find I would ken more of this marvel that won her heart."

  The Gregor had more than the state of his family in mind with the question. Cadell knew it.

  "Wa can I tell ye? He seems a good enough lad."

  Since Gregor had decided to delve into his personal life, MacGrough decided to try something shocking to see if it might end this line of questioning.

  "They are no here as I sent them off by themselves. God's teeth! They could no keep their hands off one another. I caught them with the lass being held against the wall in the middle of the day, her skirt up and it enough to shock the entire household."

  The Gregor had been taking a drink of ale. He spit some of it out as he began to laugh.

  "Nay! That bad?"

  MacGrough thought to play the aggrieved father.

  "Ye ken, they were mating wherever the notion took them. I sent them off, hoping mind, that they might wear each other down a wee mite."

  That set the other man off again. Before Cadell knew it they were both laughing. The Gregor finally wiped his eyes on his tunic.

  "Och, that is rich! I canna help laughing MacGrough, pardon me please. The lad I was fostering tried to court the lass. He said she was an ice queen. It wa appear that she just wanted what she wanted."

  Cadell took a gulp of ale then scrubbed his hand over his face.

  "That was the straight of it man. Ailene took one look at the lad and was lost. She was lucky the lad was looking for something and this suited him. They are of an age ye see. I dinna ken what he was doing on the ship but he has no family."

  Cadell spread his hands wide.

  "So it suited him as well as the lass."

  The Gregor nodded.

  "They are of an age ye say?"

  MacGrought smiled at The Gregor.

  "Aye, they are that. It would no surprise me to find that the lad might even be a mite younger."

  The Gregor stroked his chin.

  "Well now. The stories floating about mention men quite a bit older than that."

  Cadell knew that the matter of the lad's age had thrown The Gregor off the scent.

  "When ye do see him ye will see what I mean. The lad is a likely one. I think he might even have a wee bit more growth coming."

  The Gregor had nothing else to say regarding the matter. The talk then turned to The Bruce and when he might be calling up the clans. The two men discussed the matter far into the night. Speculation as to the new king's next move was rife through out the land. There were some who still sided with the Comyns. Being kin to Comyn, they could do no less. None thought the worse of them for it. Honor demanded kin would side with kin. But it was a shame as it gave the Sassenach King a better chance of defeating The Bruce.

  The next morning The Gregor and his men left. Gideon and Ailene returned to the hall in evening. Both of them were damp from having washed in the burn. They ate something immediately bid Cadell good eve then went to bed.

  Chapter 5

  In the morning The MacGrough sent a lad around to gather the warriors from their cottages. The majority of the fields had been planted so it was time to prepare for war. Now it was time to hone weapon skills, which had been dulled by winter.

  When Gideon came down in the morning he carried a broadsword and a blunted practice sword. Cadell brought his own practice sword out to the field. He and Gideon took turns practicing against the pell post as they waited for the others to appear. Cadell called a halt after they had been at it heavily for some time.

  "Gideon, come an sit wa me a mite. When tha rest come up we will gie the wooden swords otherwise the post will need replaced too soon."

  Gideon stood spread legged as swung his sword through several maneuvers. Switching the weapon to his left hand, he repeated what he had done. Cadell watched him. The muscles of his arms stood out as Gideon wielded the sword. Gideon then did as Cadell
had bid him. He sat on the bench beside Cadell.

  "Who trained ye lad?"

  Cadell leaned on his sword both hands on the pommel.

  "Sir David, the Master you met."

  Gideon was careful of the things he spoke about. He kept his voice low.

  "Personally? Were ye trained as heavy cavalry?"

  Cadell spoke quietly although there was no one close who might overhear the conversation.

  "Aye, Sir. Heavy and personally."

  Gideon's eyes searched the area around them. He was somewhat uneasy with the topic MacGrough had chosen. Hoping to change the subject, Gideon brought up a matter which had been occupying his thoughts.

  "The keep, it needs things."

  He surveyed the building on the rocky outcrop.

  "That it does lad. It wa improved by me some twenty or so years back. I added tha stairway and tha larger kitchen when I wed me Grier. We could use a barmkin, a wall ye ken, round the other three sides o tha house."

  Gideon shifted his weight as he leaned to one side to gaze at the structure.

  "Well, sir, we could do that but do you have any other way, a hidden way out of there? Were the Sassenach to lay siege to it, it would not last long. A lesser force could be repelled, a host would take it in short order."

  Cadell thought about Gideon's comments.

  "A large force wa certainly ha no trouble taking it. As for a passage, I ha considered it. There is a place where that might be done. I ha no been able to do so yet. No time, no funds, ye ken?"

  Gideon turned his gaze to Cadell.

  "We have the funds now sir. I propose that we give the project to Ailene while we are gone. It will keep her mind occupied with the problem. I know she will not like letting us both go. This may be a long season."

  "I take it ye are fond of tha lass Gideon?"

  "Fond? I have no way of describing how I feel about her, about this place. I am learning things about myself I never suspected. Needs I had buried in my heart."

  Gideon was gazing around him at the main house and the cottages that lined the glen. Cadell felt his heart go out to the lad seated on the bench across from him.

  "Lad, I ken some of what ye are experiencing. I ha never left to go to war easily. Leaving my home and lass has always been hard."